Frequently Asked Question

What methods of payment are accepted ?

We're currently accepting cashless payment at all of our outlets , payment such as QR Pay , Apple Pay , Visa & Mastercard are accepted.

Opening Hours

Champions will drink coffee no matter what the day & time.

That's why all of our outlets is open everyday , from 8am to 10pm.

What type of coffee beans do you use ?

We're using an award-winning , 100% premium speciality grade arabica coffee beans at all of our outlets. 

Is it Halal ?

Yes , it is Halal , We're a 100% muslim owned & operated coffee shop. We take our standard for halal to the highest level possible. InsyaAllah

Can we rent a whole cafe ?

Yes , you can , Please contact our sales executive at 011-323 00 222 for more information.

Can i be an investor to open a Min Coffee Outlet ?

Yes , you can , Please contact our business expansion manager at 011-323 00 222 for more information.

What is exactly 'Kilijaro' means ?

Kilijaro is our exclusive brand name for our signature drink "Kilijaro Latte". One of the main reason it is named Kilijaro is because the coffee beans itself is inspired by the world-famous Kilimanjaro coffee beans from Tanzania, Africa. We R&D our Kilijaro coffee beans to mimic the unique, rich & aromatic taste of the famous Kilimanjaro Moutain coffee beans.

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